Although the forecast warned of gales and downpours, our “Party in the Garden” played out under blue skies (what is it they say about the sun shining on the righteous?!) and proved a great success.
More than a dozen talented musicians and singers from the Abbey Ukulele Club provided live entertainment under a marquee; playing a wide selection of songs to a most appreciative audience.
Many thanks to all who helped with the event and special mention to Keith and Janet Payne, founders of the AUC who were front and centre with the music on the day, entertaining us with great gusto for more than two hours.
Attendees also enjoyed strawberries and cream – and a glass or two of fizz – and it all made for a very pleasant afternoon.
Through money taken on the gate and through a raffle we managed to show a decent profit, out of which we made a donation to the AUC to help cover venue costs for their regular meetings and rehearsals.