Who we are and how we run
St Matthew is an Anglican church in the deanery of Kirkham, the archdeaconry of Lancaster and the diocese of Blackburn – part of a benefice including St Nicholas, Wrea Green and St Michael, Weeton.
St Matthew is managed by a church Committee and Trustees and our congregation has a long and faithful association with the parish. Our bi-monthly Sunday services attract an average attendance of 18/20.
We are situated two miles from the centre of Lytham in an agricultural area and many of the farming families involved in the church date back through several generations.
Some of our most popular services include ‘Plough Sunday’ and ‘Harvest’ (which attract visitors from neighbouring churches and include renowned refreshments provided by our parishioners). On the annual ‘Rogation Sunday’ we either host or join with other local parishes for a hugely-popular event which sees up to a 100 people visiting local farms to listen to stories/lessons and sing hymns/songs.
Our church plays host to musical entertainment and a concert by the ‘Shanty Singers’ in January 2020 attracted a record attendance over more than 80, raising proceeds of over £700 for the local RNLI.
We stage an annual orchestral concert, a charity whist/dominoes night and our local parish council hold meetings here. We also serve as a venue for local and national elections.
St Matthew has hosted a wedding, a christening and a funeral in recent years.
We have invested significant sums in a new entrance, a disabled access (with dedicated ramp) and on-going repairs and renewals.
For our Sunday services, we have a rota of dedicated sidesmen, flower donators, readers and a first class organist.
Our church building is in excellent order, clean and compliant with all matters of health and safety (complete with car parking for around 20 vehicles, toilet and kitchen facilities) and our external gardens and paths are tended to by parishioners.
Although small in number, we always seem to find someone ready to step up to the plate when the need arises.
Special Occasions
St Matthew has hosted a wedding and a christening in recent years.
A concert by the RNLI “Shanty Singers” in 2020 attracted a record attendance.
Many local charities benefit from donations awarded annually.